Globetrotting Actress Gabrielle Union’s Top Travel Tips – Forbes Travel Guide Stories
Catching up with professional multi-tasker Gabrielle Union is no easy feat. Recognized as one of Hollywood’s top talents (Think Like a Man, The Birth of a Nation and BET’s Being Mary Jane), the actress is also an Instagram sensation, a fashion designer for New York & Company and the New York Times best-selling author of We’re Going to Need More Wine. In the book, Union gets real, sharing stories straight from the heart — in all their wit, emotion, fun and complexity — that make for a fantastic read on the plane.
Speaking of travel, the globe-trotting Union and her NBA superstar husband, Dwyane Wade, have their jet-setting skills down to a science. We recently sat down with the busy career woman to pick her brain about how she gets around in such flawless style.
Read more here: Globetrotting Actress Gabrielle Union’s Top Travel Tips – Forbes Travel Guide Stories